Hike More, Worry Less
Nothing compares to hiking through the natural beauty of the Adirondacks on a cool day. I know most of you might be thinking, “Alexis. you are not a wilderness girl!” In those regards you would be correct. I am a city girl at heart, but there is something about hiking up a mountain and gazing at that view when you reach the top. It is in the still silence of nature where we find our own bliss! Not to mention it is a great way to sneak in a workout!

My family and I love to add a hike to our itinerary whenever we are in the Adirondack Mountain Region. We do daily hikes with our puppies, who lead the way through the trails. I am honestly not sure who enjoys these hikes more, the dogs or us! Especially with having our dogs, it is important to pack the right necessities.
Packing Checklist:
- Water bottles and Bowl for dogs
- Cooler
- Backpack/Fanny Pack
- Snacks/Lunch
- Sneakers/Hiking Boots
- Hat
- Bugspray
- Sunscreen
- Emergency kit (at least some bandaids!)
- Phone Battery
- Small speaker
- Workout pants/Shorts
- Sports Bra (for the ladies)
- Hoodie/Jacket
- Mask
- Hand sanitizer

What is in My Bag:
- Sunscreen
- Bug Spray
- Bandaids
- Chapstick
- Water Bottle
- Battery Charger
- Mask
- Granola Bar
- Hand Sanitizer

For personal care items, those pictured above are my go-tos for a day hike. Welly has the cutest first aid kits on their site with a tin to store it all in! I am klutzy and end up on my rear often, so this is a must! There is a 15% off discount code (WELCOME), if you order any first aid items directly from the website. The Honest Company is a favorite brand of mine; they make products with non-toxic ingredients that are perfect for my sensitive skin. Although, they aren’t a clean company, Honest Company is a safer option than most. Their bug spray is super compact and fits easily in my belt bag. Warning, it does have a strong odor! But the smell is worth the compactness. My Cliff bars are a great snack for on the go, whether hiking or to keep in your everyday bag. Cliff is not the healthiest energy bar option with all the added sugar (my favorite flavor, Blueberry Crisp, is the better choice), but they are delicious and filling. And if you order the bars from the company website, they usually provide a discount that is automatically applied at checkout (no minimum required). If you are looking for a healthier option, Kind bars are a great choice too. And anytime you are out in the sun, apply that sunscreen! I use the Neutrogena and Sun Bum daily in the summertime.
Now on to the most important packing tip for hiking, your outfit! (kidding, kind of). Layering is key. I wear leggings/bike shorts with a sports bra and long sleeve top. Even if it is 100 degrees out, it could be much cooler at the top of the mountain. I am also very happy to have sleeves to ward off insects! On this weekends hike, I wore the MOST amazing bike shorts!!!!
Shorts: 6 TTS. If you want a tighter fit, size down one size. Even with a looser fit they do not move at all!
I have never been a fan of the bike short trend, but oh my gosh these are to die for! Run and get these LuLuLemon shorts! The Digital Rains are lightweight and have engineered cutouts to provide ventilation. There is a hidden pocket in the waistband, which comes in handy for quick access while hiking. They are currently on clearance in two colors; Grab a pair while you can.
1: S // 2: M // 3: S
I always grab a zip up or loose fitting workout top to layer up. I am permanently cold I swear! I usually size up to a Medium for a looser fit. The exact one I am wearing is the Under Armour Tech Half-Zip Top.
Now that you are fully prepared to hike, all that is left to do is enjoy the stunning scenery. Climb that mountain, and when you reach the peak: Sit down, refresh, hydrate and refuel, both your mind and belly.

My Sports bra is an old style from Victoria Secret that is discontinued. They have a bunch of fun new designs and are the best quality! Their bras last me years.

Trail pictured is Cobble Lookout.
To discover new hiking trails and navigate your hikes download the AllTrails app! Or visit the website prior to plan out your day!