• Day to Day,  Lifestyle

    My Best Purchases of 2020

    Every year I buy clothes, shoes, beauty products, home items, decor, groceries and all the things. But sometimes, there are some items I purchase and they leave me wondering how I have lived my entire life up until this point without them!? I rounded up my best purchases of 2020. These are all things I highly recommend that I discovered in the year of quarantine. Three of my favorite purchases of the year are life changing hair products, that reduce the hair wash days and still keep me looking fabulous: the Revlon One-Step Brush, the Mermade Hair Waver and Living Proof hair products. Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer and Volumizer Hot…

  • Day to Day,  Lifestyle

    Wear a Mask (and look cute while you do it!)

    I have been wearing a face mask, Covid style, since the beginning of our country’s lock down. At this point, I do not even think about grabbing a mask, it has become a part of my daily routine. At work, I have to wear a mask for most of my day, so I had to go on a scavenger hunt for ones I could wear comfortably. Maskne is a whole other subject, but I needed masks that are breathable and that stay on my face without having to yank it up over my nose constantly. I have been on the hunt for all these months for the best masks on…