Health & Fitness

Vitamin ME

Did your mother yell at you to take your Flintstones vitamins everyday?! Mine definitely did! I struggle to remember to take my vitamins regularly to this day, but I still try to keep them a part of my routine. I guess you could say the importance of taking vitamins has stuck with me.

Women, by design, are more “high maintenance” than men. We require the extra help to get the proper minerals and nutrients our body needs. There are SO many vitamin supplements available on the market (many I personally can not even pronounce) and then you have the multitude of brand choices that seem to offer essentially the exact same product, but are they really all the same?

And then on top of all of that you have to decide on powder, supplements, liquid or gummies. The options can make a girl go crazy! I have tried lots of different brands and combinations at this point, but there are three products that have stuck. I take these three every single day (or at least I try to!) Recently, I have been leaving my vitamins next to my toothbrush so I am reminded every morning to take them. I swear by my Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, DL MD liquid multi-vitamin supplement and Elderberry gummies.

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptide

Vital Proteins has an amazing product line with too many flavor options to choose from. I love trying them all out but for my daily collagen I use the unflavored one in my cup of coffee. This collagen does not effect the taste of my coffee and I NEVER miss my morning coffee so it is guaranteed nutrients. I just use one scoop , stir and enjoy my morning cup of joe! The benefits of collagen are endless: skintone, hair, nails, and joints and bone health. I have been using this for years and see such a difference, especially in my skin texture, when I stop using it. Vital Proteins now has automatic shipment though so I never have to go without it! You can also find it at your local grocery store or Target and most pharmacies.

DL MD Liquid Multi-Vitamin

DL MD liquid multi-vitamin supplement is my favorite multi vitamin I have ever tried. The list of vitamins included extends over the other brands lists, but I won’t bore you with the list. Just know it is good! My girlfriend introduced me to this liquid multivitamin and I have used it ever since. A liquid multivitamin is also more beneficial than a pill or gummy because it absorbs faster, supplying your body with all the nutrients instantly. The only downside of DL MD is you have to order it online. I order it on and its on my doorstep in two days.

Elderberry Gummies

Elderberry is like the magic berry. It is filled with antioxidants and vitamins to boost your immune system. With the whole pandemic, anything elderberry or vitamin C was impossible to find in stock anywhere but it gave me the opportunity to try different brands. As long as there is no sugar coating on the gummies I am here for them! I swear they have kept me healthy this year and all the times prior. If you are not into gummies, elderberry comes in many other forms. While there is no scientific proof to elderberry curing colds and viruses, I am a believer in it.

I could not recommend these products enough! I am in no way a doctor or a professional on nutrition, but these are the vitamins that have worked for me. Every body and every woman is different but these products are worth a try!